Monday, June 20, 2011


Informative article by Wichowski, of particular interest is how folksonomies will be accepted and used by worldwide users.  Which poses a question....are folksonomies being used in other cultures...if so, will there be a disconnect due to language barriers?

Important mention by Wichowski about the difference between finding tags posted by the mainstream media and how those posted by the non-mainstream users "may represent an aggregate total amount far greater than that produced by the mainstream."  By providing an increasingly higher amount of information there comes a better chance of a wider variety of people finding just what they wanted.

I also agree that the use of natural language increases the chance of easily finding relevant information for those who may not grasp the intellectual discourse.

1 comment:

  1. Great question! I never thought about folksonomies being used in other cultures and the language barrier that maybe created.
