Sunday, June 12, 2011

Twitters I Follow

As soon as I opened my Twitter account I easily found 2 organizations to follow; but when I found out that we needed to find 5 total I felt I needed to focus on some key areas of interest. Here are my decisions:

1. To assist in my understanding of Web 2.0 and social networking tools, I chose ReadWriteWeb who delivers the latest news, analysis, and conversations in all things web especially technology and social media. 

2.  Because I enjoy reading (not much time for pleasure reading lately), I am always looking for recommendations and reader reviews of new titles and up-and-coming authors.  I happened on a site called which deems itself the largest community of readers in the world, I had visited several times in the past and was excited that they joined Twitter.  On this site you can find new books, read or make recommendations, track your reading, and join book clubs. 

3.  Being almost finished with my MLIS and interested in public librarianship, I felt that the Public Library Assocation (PLA), a division of ALA would be a good fit for locating the latest news, current library issues, and free Webinars that I could access to improve my knowledge base.

4.  I did a Google search for "Libraries and Twitter" and found an extensive list both national and international--I was really looking for libraries in my community on Aquidneck Island (Newport, Middletown, Portsmouth) and was saddened when none of them were included.  Wanting to find at least a library in Rhode Island, I chose the Providence Public Library because it is an extremely active library community that always offers a wide variety of quality programs throughout the year; guest speakers, cultural programs, health topics, local authors, lifelong learning topics, and some that they hope will attract a myriad of ages and talents.  For example, in May they offered Laughletics - a competitive improv comedy show with local entertainers as judges.

5.  Last, but certainly not least, I am a huge Boston Celtics fan dating back to the Larry Bird era!  I actually was absent for my daughter's backyard christening celebration because my brother-in-law had tickets to a playoff game and offered to take husband said one word "Go!"  Anyway, I like the idea of following the team, especially since they got ousted by the Miami Heat (who I hope loses to Dallas tonight).  On the site currently is a list of some players that may be draft picks this year..It is neat as they post player information....stats and schools/colleges/teams they have played for.


  1. I'm a big Celtics fan too! I suggest you follow @celticsblog as well (lot of good info throughout the season) ...

  2. Terrific! Thanks, I didn't know about their blog...will definitely look into it..

