Friday, June 24, 2011

Toward a Twenty-First Century Library Catalog

This article was written in 2006, so I'm guessing this upgrade was completed and implemented sometime in the previous few years.  Being very interested cataloging and its processes, I appreciated the article because I have been often frustrated by the inability to search information I know can be found in the MARC record but that is unsearchable.  It is important that the new "version" of search capabilities be launched in tandem with the established version. I was sort of anxious when the HELIN consortium instituted the Encore search mode...but relieved when the previous search screen remained intact! 

I was impressed that Antelman, Lynema & Pace realized that their project was able to go forward because of the philosophical and financial backing of their institution.  In addition, their library staff understands "that calculated risks are opportunities to improve the library as well as to open up new challenges in their own jobs."  It seems that to be successful in many innovations factors such as the above must be present.

I went to the NCSU website to try it out for myself...I intentionally misspelled a word to see what would happen and just like on Google a "Did you mean" suggestion appeared..this type of upgrade for our middle school library catalog would be an immense help..we have many academically low students who could be more successful in searching if this were added.  I also liked the idea that I could actually enter no specific search term and "browse" the entire catalog...sometimes I just need to wander.  This feature is especially helpful when you can't actually get to the physical library to browse the shelves, but know the call number for a specific subject and want to "see" what else is there.  I also liked the "New Titles" and the "more titles like this" (as Amazon has)..I think next generation searchers will appreciate these new features, many of which they are accustomed to in the searchable world outside of libraries.


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