Sunday, July 24, 2011

Final post

Let me say this has been an important course for me to have chosen because my familiarity with most of social networking sites was minimal.  I must say that it was through the combination of the readings, the hands-on-approach of setting up, investigating different features, and maneuvering through the different formats, and using other new Web 2.0 tools that I have become more comfortable.  However, I think the most valuable education came from "following" everyone, previewing their book reviews, and reading the various postings, joining in discussions that I learned a great deal.

I learned the ways in which social networking can be aptly applied to a library setting, particularly the rewards and challenges that must be considered.  Prior to this course, I was somewhat apprehensive about these tools, but now understand the value of the communication level that they afford.  I now realize that if you want to reach the "net-gen" you need to connect with them in a variety of ways and that learning today is not about being linear...but rather through inquiry and critical thinking that require a less structured approach, and allows each person or researcher to acquire information in unique ways.  Out of all the tools learned in this course, I really have begun to like the blog format and hope to convince the library media specialist I work with that this tool should somehow be incorporated in our library.

I honestly cannot venture a guess about what is to come.  I feel that the privacy and copyright issues will warrant more serious investigations that may redirect how we co-exist with the Web and its formats.  I have often mentioned, jokingly, that soon humans will be implanted with a computer chip upon birth, I'm not sure it is just a figment of my imagination.  Someone else in class mentioned the book Feed, which is about this exact experience..I have just started reading it..!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

IL Games and Video Games in Libraries

After reading the article by Cohen, Miner, and Nishikawa concerning the creation of two games to complement their IL program, several things came to mind.  It seems like one of the greatest challenges was for the students to fully understand what is meant by information literacy and for librarians to fully understand the mechanics available within a games creation that would fit well with information literacy instruction.  One important factor in the creation and establishment of these games was the level of  collaboration between the two groups. This conversations that ensued offered the students a much broader idea of what librarians hoped the games would accomplish.  For example, that the games were not meant primarily as a means to enhance research for a paper, but instead to assist them in finding and using information as they do every day through search engines, such as Google.  Since the games were to be implemented around 2009, I wonder what the usage statistics are and if they have been embraced by students for their intended purpose.

Video games have never been a good fit for me..I was never very successful at the few I attempted back in the early phases of game consoles.  Suellen raises some salient points in her article on games in libraries, that have raised my awareness in several areas.  If promoted in a positive manner, it seems like video games do have a place in libraries.  I'm sure there are many library patrons that still think libraries should be quiet spaces to read and reflect, and don't quite view them as social spaces. While there are still quiet places to be found, libraries have been gradually transformed into social spaces as well.  I was surprised and pleased to learn that according to Squire and Steinkuhler (2005) very often students interested in games will check out books that somehow relate to print materials--either through a specific genre or related topics!  As Suellen mentioned, children are learning differently in the digital world, and storytelling becomes a interactive learning environment as they manipulate the games, identify characters, and become creators of the story.  Having not considered this before, I think it is a great feature that video games allow children to discover consequences of their actions in a risk-free environment. 

Thanks, Suellen..this article has changed my view of the value of providing video games in libraries.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Responses to "Orphan Works" and Fernandez on Privacy

I am actually working in the Digital Commons database at URI this summer (through a grant received by Special Collections), and am inputting over 200 Theses and Major Papers from graduate students in the Marine Affairs program.  Most of these date from the early 1970s through the mid-1980s.  If any of these research papers have been published to a journal or magazine in the past, and the authors, or there descendants, have not been contacted for permission can they be considered "orphan works?"

Peter Fernandez, Reference Librarian at University of Texas, Knoxville is a prolific writer on social networking media and deals with many issues inherent in them that need to be considered.  There are several key points mentioned that I agree with wholeheartedly. Users must realize that social networking sites are motivated by profit, so linking to personal information is important to them which can undermine privacy. On the other hand, librarians have an ethical commitment to patron privacy. His mention of two 2007 studies was revealing--on one hand 19% of librarians expressed concern over privacy issues, yet a PEW study claimed that 85% of adults say privacy issues, especially control over access to personal info is "very important."  Considering the rise of social networking sites in the last 4 years, I wonder if the librarians' view has changed.

If libraries consider utilizing Facebook for outreach they should keep users informed about the available security settings available to them in FB, and by inserting announcements regarding privacy on their FB pages. In an academic setting, it is important to include privacy issues during each information literacy instructional session.  Also, it is necessary for libraries to respect users' boundaries as stated by danah boyd "You should enter the students' social networking space only as a mentor and only as invited."  Another key area is establishing a policy regarding the use of social networking media and privacy issues.  Fernandez brings up an interesting question concerning contacting students about overdue books if recent contact information is outdated?  If the student is not a "friend" of the library, would this be an invasion of privacy?


Monday, July 4, 2011

Academic Libraries, Facebook and MySpace, and Student Outreach

Connell's survey resulted in some key points, several of which were also included in "Use of Facebook in academic health sciences libaries."  Both articles mentioned the fact that not much library literature on the topic has yet emerged, so both (written in 2009) are valuable.  Looking at both articles it seems that there may be a divide between the value academic librarians place on Facebook and the acceptance rate of the interaction with libraries by students using Facebook.  It seems that there must be more focused conversations between the two groups, if Facebook is to become a valuable librarian's tool.  With so many methods of communication available perhaps the division can be addressed and practical uses of Facebook become more manageable for both groups.

Both articles do indicate that many students feel more comfortable contacting librarians through an email system.  However, the Connell survey revealed that 3/4ths of the students surveyed would either accept a library's friend request or proactively add the library as a friend. This is encouraging for librarians. I like the way Mississippi State University began with a closed Facebook group for student employees, found it successful, and then created an open group which was advertised during a fall orientation program, with posters, and ads.  These methods allow for interested students to participate but did not force the library on those not interested, and especially by not utilizing the "friend request"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Book review assignment---Everything is Miscellaneous

Below is the link to my review of "Everything is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder" by David Weinberger.  I enjoyed the book especially for its ability to enhance my knowledge of digital information and the advantages of Web 2.0 tools for the opportunity it gives all of us to contribute knowledge that may be relevant to information seekers throughout the world at any given time. 

I decided to try Voicethread for my presentation tool and am pleased with the final project.  Voicethread is an interactive platform that allows people to navigate and leave comments in 5 ways.  It is easy to share, users can doodle while commenting, and voicethreads can be embedded (as here) or exported to MP3 players or archival movies.  Since this is my 3rd attempt at a final production, I suggest that users view the Wiki attached to it (something I should have done but was unaware of) would have saved me valuable time and some frustation.  Here is the link for it:  Voicethread Wiki

Friday, June 24, 2011

Toward a Twenty-First Century Library Catalog

This article was written in 2006, so I'm guessing this upgrade was completed and implemented sometime in the previous few years.  Being very interested cataloging and its processes, I appreciated the article because I have been often frustrated by the inability to search information I know can be found in the MARC record but that is unsearchable.  It is important that the new "version" of search capabilities be launched in tandem with the established version. I was sort of anxious when the HELIN consortium instituted the Encore search mode...but relieved when the previous search screen remained intact! 

I was impressed that Antelman, Lynema & Pace realized that their project was able to go forward because of the philosophical and financial backing of their institution.  In addition, their library staff understands "that calculated risks are opportunities to improve the library as well as to open up new challenges in their own jobs."  It seems that to be successful in many innovations factors such as the above must be present.

I went to the NCSU website to try it out for myself...I intentionally misspelled a word to see what would happen and just like on Google a "Did you mean" suggestion appeared..this type of upgrade for our middle school library catalog would be an immense help..we have many academically low students who could be more successful in searching if this were added.  I also liked the idea that I could actually enter no specific search term and "browse" the entire catalog...sometimes I just need to wander.  This feature is especially helpful when you can't actually get to the physical library to browse the shelves, but know the call number for a specific subject and want to "see" what else is there.  I also liked the "New Titles" and the "more titles like this" (as Amazon has)..I think next generation searchers will appreciate these new features, many of which they are accustomed to in the searchable world outside of libraries.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011